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Friday 28 October 2016

Nut Butter Cups -

125ml Coconut oil
125ml Butter
4 tbs Sweetener
3 tbs Nut butter and extra for cups
4 tbs Cocoa 

In a microwaveable bowl, melt the butter, sweetener and nut butter until just melted. Mix until well combined. Add coconut oil and mix well.
Allow to cool slightly.
Add the cocoa and mix well. Decant a thin layer of chocolate into a silicon mould and place in freezer for 10 minutes.
Once set, add teaspoons of nut butter in the middle of the silicon mould and add the rest of the chocolate on top, allowing it to cover the nut butter.
Place in freezer until well set. Pop out of mould and place in fridge. Consume within 2 weeks (if it lasts that long!!)

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