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Saturday 3 June 2017

Hearty Oxtail Stew -


800g Oxtail

300g baby onions

3 large carrots

1/2 leek

1 punnet mushrooms

350ml red wine

salt and pepper to taste

2 tbs herbs

1 tbs coconut oil


Melt coconut oil in pressure cooker pot (alternatively, you can use haybag, normal pot on low or slow cooker).

To this, Add the oxtail, salt and pepper.

Brown the oxtail on all sides.

Clean the mushrooms, wash and peel the onions, same with leeks and carrots, and chop carrots into chunks.

Add the mushrooms, onions, leek and carrots and allow to "sweat off".

Add the Herbs and wine and top the pot up with water (Depending if you use a pressure cooker)

Allow to come to pressure if using a pressure cooker, turn the heat down to medium and cook for around 40 minutes.

Enjoy with roasted pumpkin and caulibroc rice!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, how do I know how much oxtail stew to have so that i don't exceed the ratios please
